For learning the quality of our hotfix studs, customers are welcomed to visit our factory. We will show you the some of the manufacturing processes like incoming material sourcing, processing, quality assurance as well as final package. You can make a comment on the product. Meanwhile, requesting a sample is also a good way to learn. Customer Service is always available for you to consult about the products. The high ratio of return customers can provide you with valuable reference that we are really trustworthy.
Guangzhou guangzhou jingpin garment accessory co.,ltd Garment Accessory Co.Ltd boasts its capacity and stable quality. jpstrass is mainly engaged in the business of rhinestone machine and other product series. The product features outstanding colorfastness. Its fabric used lends itself to dying and holds dyes well without losing its color. JPSTRASS garment accessory is developed in conformity with the norms and standards of international quality. lead free rhinestone produced by Jpstrass enjoys a high reputation among customers. JPSTRASS garment accessory adds an extra beauty to fabrics.
The Jpstrass brand is also designed to get higher recommendations from customers. Please contact us!